Video about Arduino. Now all I need is crack. Twitter: Join the Discord: Secondary Discord invite if vanity invite expires: Check out my other stuff on GitHub: Footnotes: - In general, engineering terminology is not always very absolute (e.g. the definition of "computer", "super computer", "microcontroller", "embedded controller", etc.) and is very context-dependent. Terminology used throughout this video may follow or contradict other sources, but the overall idea is the same. - Among other popular Arduino boards are the Arduino Nano and Arduino Mega. Arduino Uno is the most introductory. - The predecessor to the Arduino Uno is the Arduino Duemilanove (or Arduino Due), which is also based on the ATmega328P. The full name was difficult to pronounce for non-Italian users, so the succeeding board had a simpler name: Uno. - Arduino Uno is currently on its third revision: the Uno Rev 3. - Also included on the Arduino Uno is a crystal oscillator for timing, a reset button, an ICSP pin as an alternative to the USB port and bootloader, LEDs to indicate signals being transmitted, and an AREF to set a reference point for analog input. - The USB port for Arduino is USB Type-B. A USB-B to USB-A male-to-male cable is required to connect to PC. - Arduino also provides a command-line alternative to its IDE: The Arduino CLI. - A stepper motor divides its rotation into many small steps, and the motor can be commanded to enter the position of any of these steps, whereas a servo motor rotates by some magnitude relative to its current position. - The stepper motor used is a Nema 17 Stepper Motor using an A4988 driver. - In order for external software within the computer to communicate with the Arduino's microcontroller after the sketch has already been burnt and loaded, the Arduino remains connected to the computer via the serial USB port and the external software (i.e. the Python program communicating with Twitter API) feeds binary data that can be interpreted in the Arduino sketch using the UART. There are of course other ways to do this, including microcontrollers with native USB or wireless approaches if given a Bluetooth module. References: Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Arduino, Atmel Corporation. Parody not associative. Music tracklist: Community Captions Greek - geg